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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Prior to Monday we were told that the Qanon Shaman was a violent insurrectionist who stormed the Capitol and found his way into the Senate chamber, presumably, through violence.


    On TCs show on Monday night we learned, through clear and indisputable video evidence, that the qanon shaman was peacefully guided through the halls of the Capitol and ultimately inside the senate chamber by several Capitol police officers.


    The lefts response to this newly revealed evidence hasn't been to ask why did the media, DOJ, J6 committee and others lie for two years, but instead to rant about what an evil liar TC is.




    Keep pasting that clown makeup on thicker as your fairy tale narrative continues to crumble commies.

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    There was violence that occurred on J6!!!


    Therefore there is zero room for nuance or clarity that comes with getting more information about the events of the day. How dare you traitors ask about clear inconsistencies in the story we've been told for 26 months!


     To the extent any of you delusional leftists had functioning grey matter prior to 2016 it's been permanently damaged by the great orange menace. You're forever lost to reality and permanently reside in clown world. Even still, your collective meltdown over the past two days has been absolutely beautiful to watch.



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  3. 31 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    It's interesting that when I respond to your posts, which seemingly spin off in directions that are difficult to follow, you respond back with gibberish befitting a BillSy post.   Over the last few days,  it's been eggs, baskets, concrete walls, the national pulse after teh 1980 Olympic hockey game, and a triple lindy time travel to 1/6/2020 as if there was nothing that happened in the intervening 40 years.  


    You're lying about my take on 1/6, there's no reason for that other than to change the subject.   That's yours prerogative, but it's fairly obvious that when confronted by your own hypocrisy, you run.  




    @redtail hawk uses deflection tactics constantly? 


    You're kidding me.

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  4. 11 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    We're past the point of "believe".  The video shows police cordially escorting this goof ball through the building past numerous officers any of which could have arrested or stopped him.  That seems illogical and makes no sense when trying to reconcile it against the official story.  I mean truly, how can you not have any doubts about the committee's narrative?     


    Because he/she/they are a partisan hack and therefore will continue believing the fairytales that his/her/their masters demand of him/her/them.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  5. On 7/2/2022 at 6:14 PM, ChiGoose said:

    A lot of people here seem to want a committee to release all of their evidence and testimony while still investigating, allowing parties to coordinate their testimony with what was already provided and obscure or outright hide the truth. 

    Which is not how an investigative body would ever work. 




    No, an invesgative body would never itself coordinate their narrative behind the scenes to lie to the public.



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