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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. ⬆️ Another exmple of a poster with whom you'd have to be a moron to engage with. Pure stupidity.
  2. Because you engaged with a worthless POS poster and agreed with it to do ANYTHING at all. If you created the thread to bring about the question to ban it, presumably based on its long moronic posting history, then I'm truly interested in how you arrived at an agreement with it to delete your thread in such short order?
  3. FYI. You've engaged with The King. It's a wild ride of hand waving, bloviating and dishonest bull pooping ( edit: really? that's what the filter replaces Shi.t...ti.ng with in 2024?) Nobody here says less by saying more than the friggin King!
  4. Former law clerk for Justice Gorsuch and chief counsel for nominations for Senate judiciary committee in the tweet below. Every bit the expert, probably moreso, than any of the leftist legal blogs that The King linked to. Take your "experts" and ***** off King / chigoose.
  5. Ok King. Those outlets are no more reputable than ANY other independent source you simpleton fuk.c tard. But because they agree with YOUR confirmation bias they're the expert sources everyone else must trust. Seriously. Fuk.c off with your BS.
  6. Fall of 2024 is going to be an absolute mess. 2020= child's play. Be prepared. It's been over a week since Super Tuesday. California's Senate Open Primary and Special Open Primary election races are still ongoing. What was once Election Day has become Election Months. Enough is enough. Argentina held a run-off election with in-person voting, voter IDs, and all paper ballots and got the results within one day. Millions of votes. Documented. Verified. Auditable. Indisputable. ONE DAY. California has universal mail-in votes with zero verification of voter eligibility. Millions of illegal aliens reside in the state. And the state's election results are suspect to say the least. During the Schiff-Garvey race, observers have detected reporting that appeared to subtract votes from Republican Steve Garvey. Both Schiff and Garvey are running in the two Senate races. One is a full term, while the other replaces the seat of late Senator Dianne Feinstein. Regardless of the actual tallying in California, the *reporting* of vote flips — independently verified by several elections observers — invariably benefiting Democrats, undermines voter confidence in results. The statistical odds of Schiff and Garvey remaining within a fraction of one percent for going on ten days are between slim and none. We're being conditioned to expect every single Democrat candidate to pull off narrow, miraculous wins weeks after the "election." Americans have had enough of the games. We need election integrity, not the non-existent right of "voter convenience." Voter IDs. Paper ballots. One day of voting. This is what voters demand to ensure that elections represent the will of the American people.
  7. This is likely why you never see Billsfuk'c post on the main board. It doesn't trust itself to not post Trump stuff so it just doesn't post at all.
  8. Again, The King and Finding Qnaon still don't get it. "We know because we trust the REAL experts and read the primary source documents authored by those same REAL experts!!" 😂 Newsflash again for you fuk.c stains. Trust the experts got completely flushed during COVID. That was the final straw when the public was repeatedly lied to by supposed "experts" So now, because of that massive miscalculation by the commie left...EVERYONE is an expert while NOBODY is an expert. This is the bed you and your political heroes made. Lie in it and then fuk.c right off.
  9. The leash is most certainly shorter for those of a certain political bent. Sign of the times in general.
  10. I knew that thread would get deleted the moment I saw it because it called out a ***** poster by name. If he was banned for it...well it's BS, but at the same time wouldn't totally shock me either.
  11. ⬆️ See, no need to call them out in a thread title. Useful idiots will always self identify.
  12. ⬆️ Exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures. Even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union, and show him a concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it, until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When the military boot crushes his balls, then he will understand, but not before that.
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