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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. You can go to jail for memes these days. Thanks commies. And fuk.c you very much Finding Qanon.
  2. Again notice that useful idiots want voices they disagree with to be silenced en masse... At the very same time they call out individual posters who choose to block other individual posters. You can't make it up.
  3. So a twiiter personality promoted some crazy theories that aren't true? And because of this Finding Qanon wants this voice silenced? Ok. I'll agree to that. As long as anyone who promotes the obvious falsehood that our POTUS has mental faculties that aren't in serious decline are also silenced. Deal?
  4. Remember, these are the outlets, that have lied repeatedly with unrelenting regularity, that Finding Qanon and The King demand that we trust. Newsflash for useful idiots...if you ignore these outlets and get your news from just about anywhere else, then you're much better informed by default.
  5. Don't tell Finding Qanon or Quack, MD because they KNOW that by ALL ACCOUNTS, he's doing just fine!
  6. The guy who will parrot every excuse under the sun from MSM sources as to why JOE Biden isn't really suffering from cognitive decline....is lecturing others on what they should trust or shouldn't trust... The iron law of woke projection never misses! 😂
  7. Hey Finding Qanon....have you ever "found" more Qanon evidence on social media I wonder?
  8. $3 billion to a purely marxist program. But sure....Trump! Republicans!
  9. You really need to play very close attention here to be able to discern the tiny difference.
  10. No doubt they are. Republicans are awful too. Democrats and the extent to which marxists have taken over with them is just far, far worse. I can't remember who said it, but it captures my feelings on both parties closely. Republicans absolutely do not have the answers to most of the problems facing the country, but democrats by far are the cause of most of them.
  11. I'm actually going to defend Billsfuk.c here. It's not that it refuses or closes its eyes to reality. It's that it and others like it truly CAN'T deal in reality. It is a demoralized useful idiot. The process of ideological subversion was completed long ago. Once complete, it's irreversible. It's next door neighbors could be slaughtered by illegal immigrants tomorrow and it still would be convinced its the fault of Republicans. The only reason to engage with it is if you enjoy wasting your time.
  12. Hey Daz. I've made it abundantly clear: I have zero desire to engage with commies and useful idiots. You most definitely qualify as a useful idiot at bare minimum. Therefore you are out of my "bubble" because I will not waste time with commie useful idiots. Imagine that. Oh and ***** off too.
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