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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Undocumented American Asylum Seekers. Oh, they're not really asylum seekers? Let's just go with Undocumented Americans then.
  2. FYI for the useful idiots. This is where the media took a sledgehammer to their credibility. People will not forget this. Then throw in the constant Trump hoaxes for good measure...
  3. In the testimony below Hunters business partners testify that Joe Biden was the brand and the purpose of his presence at business meetings with foreign oligarchs was to close deals. Remember, none of it is evidence. Also remember that when Trump uses a term commonly used in the political world to characterize economic or political disasters, its rock solid evidence,, through edited video, that Trump is warning of massive real bloodshed across America if he isn't elected. These are the useful idiots we are dealing with. IGNORE THEM.
  4. Trotting out Blasey-Ford? Yep, they're in a full panic.
  5. Finding Qanon doing his lawyer best hand waving. Dude it's time to stop digging, unless of course you enjoy looking like a fool. Anyone else but Trump says those same sequence of words and everyone laughs it off.....because he's clearly poking FUN AT THE WHOLE SITUATION. You know how that question never comes up and we don't get a smirking Trump joking about the entire ridiculous situation? When we don't have media and useful idiots telling everyone that Trump coming back to White House is the second coming of Hitler. But you're all useful idiot hacks, so we can't have that. A graduate level "logic" course can't penetrate the useful idiot grey matter of FQ.
  6. ⬆️ Is this where FQ acknowledges that Biden is therefore a dictator too for actually having done what Trump is promising to do during his one day reign as dictator?
  7. I had my parents visiting this weekend. They watch ABC and I caught a story they reported about the Chicago measles outbreak. I said to my dad that I guarantee they'll make zero mention about how this all began in an illegal immigrant shelter. And of course there was no mention about the cases in "migrant" shelters or in fact anything about undocumented, illegal aliens or migrants at all. Instead they did their usual dirty trick of lying without really lying. They reported that the Chicago measles cases were linked to "international travel of unvaccinated minors" That's an interesting way of saying that the Chicago measles outbreak began at a shelter housing unvaccinated children of illegal immigrants who entered the US illegally. You can't hate the media nearly enough.
  8. I'm sure that you're all shocked that Finding Qanon mischaracterized the Trump dictator quote exactly as his masters told it to. Trump didnt say: "I will be a dictator on day one" He said he wouldn't be a dictator, other than ON day one, and only day one, not FROM day one as Finding suggested. Nevermind that he was clearly being facetious. Also went even further to explain what he was talking about. He was specifically talking about reversing Biden's border and drilling policies on day one. You know doing exactly what Biden did on day one.
  9. I see what you're saying. But you have all those examples of democrats using "bloodbath" and then this recent example of Trump using it, and I'm sure he's used it many, many times in the past in both business and political contexts. But there was never an uproar in the media about anyone using this term, until a few days ago when they purposely and in unison took the words out of context. All politicians talk out of both sides of their mouth. It's a job requirement. Show me a politician who doesn't mislead and I'll show you one who isn't getting re-elected. It's hard enough nailing them down on the truth. So it would be nice not to have a media that lies consistently about what politicians actually say (certain ones more than others). Most people are smart enough to read and understand what they said when given the whole story. What should piss everyone off here is the media in unison purposely trying to mislead the public. Again.
  10. Dem politicians (yes even Presidential candidates), talking heads and celebrities NEVER talk about inciting violence against their political opponents.
  11. 2024 brings a major Biden regime accomplishment. A new record in fact. Joe Biden: Embassy Evacuation GOAT!
  12. Trump’s remark mimicked comments made by Xiaopeng in a letter to XPeng employees obtained by CNBC last month. Xiaopeng suggested that “a bloodbath” is coming for the American auto industry this year.
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