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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. What were the products and/or services the Bidens were selling to pull in over $20 million? And... If all of those business deals were on the up and up, why get paid through a web of shell companies? Anyone?
  2. So that we're clear Trump can set up some influence peddling around the world right now and pull in millions maybe billions through Don Jr. and Eric and it's all good? He's not POTUS after all. They'd surely pay him.for something, right? Maybe help pay off those lawsuits? Good to know. Yes, Hunter was being paid 80k per month at Burisma while Joe was VP. For all his extensive experience in oil and gas i suppose. Id wager our board paralegal FQ has more experience in oil and gas merely by virtue of the gas it spilled on itself at the pump last week. Joe was also VP when he got the investigation shut down into Burisma corruption by withholding loan guarantees. He even told the Ukranian officials to call Obama if they didn't think he was serious. I'm told that this isn't a big deal.
  3. Maybe a little louder? πŸ˜‚ Or maybe someone will quote you... No, please don't do that everyone. Thank you.
  4. Old news. Wasn't evidence a few weeks ago and still isn't now. Clown. World. πŸ˜‚
  5. πŸ˜‚ Finding Qanon... STILL thinks that I'm DR. Love it! Lab tech? I was a lab tech once upon a time, I built my lab chops tremendously oh those many years ago. But that was well before all the publications, patents and starting my own successful business. I think FQ may be compensating here. Perhaps it's merely a para legal? πŸ˜‚ Either way, it warms the cockles knowing that it has both DR AND myself living oh so comfortably in it's useful idiot head.
  6. Agreed. You're not getting specifics and into the weeds in any of these congressional show hearings. Ever. The point is to point to the smoke. What we have now is a five alarm fire. To useful idiots like FQ they see....nothing. Always.
  7. Well that's good news for Trump and all his GA RICO cohorts....
  8. Why does anyone bother with these useful idiots? The FBI informant was a friggin FBI witness. The committee knew nothing about him or the FD1023 until their investigation was well under way and mountains of evidence had already been collected. You people are despicable frauds. !@#$ off FQ.
  9. The dems should just let AOC have all the time from their side of the aisle.. GOP couldn't ask for a greater gift than AOC
  10. Stick to being our resident Qanon expert FQ!
  11. ⬆️ Like flies on a rib roast...
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