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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. What happened to NY and many other places around this once great country? Commies.
  2. Will he? 😂 What was the Robert L. Peters family business? Why did the Robert L. Peters family business get paid through a series of shell companies? Why did Robert L. Peters, Robin Ware, JRB Ware and not Joe Biden send so many emails as VP to his son Hunter?
  3. Here's a simple rule of thumb. When the same group of useful idiot commies goes to same tired well of RUSSIA!! Then you know for certain and without a shadow of a doubt that what they are claiming is "russian disinformation," is in fact: TRUE. They've really made it quite simple for everyone.
  4. Keep it secret. Pay through a web of shell companies. Why such secrecy around these legitimate business deals? 😂
  5. You can do it FQ. Just work on the outright Marxist rants and you'll be in!
  6. Speak up please Billsfuk.c! Louder! 😂
  7. 8 to 9 million. What did they sell? Joe. They sold Joe. The Big Guy. The Brand.
  8. They wouldn't ban Finding Qanon ATOP. I guarantee it. But they'd challenge its moronic useful idiocy constantly. It wouldn't like that at all. So it stays here and yells into the abyss about a long gone poster named DerangedRhino. 😂
  9. Cmon useful idiots, go beyond your masters' narrative for once... What's the Biden family business? Why draw attention to themselves with a payment scheme that is a hallmark of a money laundering operation when their business is 100% legit? We're waiting. ..
  10. Keep in mind while all the useful idiots keep asking you for evidence today while staring into a mountain of it, that these are the very same people who not only fell for the bloodbath hoax, but STILL insisted Trump was saying what he clearly was NOT saying after the hoax had been fully exposed. Why would you ever expect that these same people would look at Biden corruption honestly? It's not that they won't. It's that they CAN'T. They are broken useful idiots.
  11. Hey good new FQ...now even paralegals can become federal judges I'll bet. Toss your hat in the ring, maybe? You've got the useful idiot part down, but you probably need some work with your marxist chops.
  12. Lol. FQ melt down! DRs are around every corner! Did I say those things about Hillary? Or did DR? Or did I say them when I was DRsGhost? Or did no one ever say anything of the sort? Keep muttering away FQ, you'll find the heart of the Qanon cabal one day I'm sure.
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