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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Keep in mind of course that the Russians hacked Hunter's laptop and put the above text message on it. They also planted all the other thousands of emails and correspondence on the laptop that just happen to match what's found on recipients emails with matching meta data. There's a reason that they're called USEFUL idiots.
  2. Oh Hunter knew those pesky FARA laws could possibly be problematic He of course also knew the iron law of woke projection and two tiered justice is always in play.
  3. Actually they don't. They do have a bunch of Trump and Putin memes though. This. It's why the media constantly refrains the no evidence mantra. Damage control.
  4. Ok so Billsfuk.c is "informed" by some other brain dead x account. Shocking. Now back to the thread. I know we can make it to 50 consecutive posts with nobody entering or engaging in the thread. Ready. Set. Go!
  5. That's quite a few emails from a VP using FAKE NAMES. I wonder why he felt the need to obscure his identity to such an extent? Reeks of pure legitimacy!
  6. They are going after the Ukraine stuff while he was in office. The not in office stuff is a distraction Hunter didn't register under FARA while he conducted all of these deals. Joe met with some of these foreign oligarchs while Hunter wasnt registered. Same thing they sent Manafort to prison for. Felonies. Why do you think Joe lied over and over about knowing nothing about Hunter's businesses?
  7. On Twitter? As you know I don't read its posts so I truly have no idea.
  8. I hope that everyone knows by now that even if they had the aforementioned canceled check from a foreign oligarch directly to JB's bank account with "for bribes" written on it and dated during a time which Joe Biden was VP....that this is still all going nowhere. Everyone realizes that this is where we are at now, right? The point of the inquiry, for me at least, is to get all of the actual EVIDENCE entered into the record on the slim chance we ever wrestle our country back from the marxists. Nothing more or less
  9. Because the committee doesn't have a check from a foreign oligarch deposited directly into Joe Biden's bank account with "bribe" written on the memo line.....then there's absolutely nothing to see here. I appreciate useful idiots thinking the Bidens would be dumb enough to do this, but that why they're useful idiots and why Joe Biden is their master.
  10. I was betting on at least 50+ consecutive ignored posts in this thread before someone sane chimed in. Who is JokeFromJerz?
  11. Ummm time to up your meds Finding Q You've been quoted quite a lot in this thread....unfortunately.
  12. Imagine a case of TDS so severe that you wake up on the morning of Barron Trump's 18th birthday and post this. Very sick and twisted, yet still doesn't hold a candle to the TDS consuming Billsfuk.c or Quack, MD. Anyway, a thread to document blatant TDS.
  13. It's not terribly difficult to do, they usually do it all on their own. But yes he did.
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