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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Hey JFR...how about you invite a few of these fine young men over to stay awhile?
  2. ⬆️ Racist loves the idea of giving illegals instant citizenship and voting rights. A racist traitor.
  3. If you don't vote for me, you ain't black! - Joe Biden
  4. Your UNIPARTY at work. Rep. Mike Gallagher has announced he is resigning his Congressional seat effective April 19th This is calculated. Gallagher could leave now, and allow his safe Republican seat to be filled quickly. Instead, he is deliberately leaving on a timeline that will leave it empty until November, leaving the GOP majority even smaller and making a Democrat House takeover a real possibility. Gallagher is a traitor to his party and to the people who voted for him. What a spiteful, repulsive creature.
  5. ⬆️ Here's where I remind you that I don't read your woke tripe. And I correctly call you racist scum again
  6. Finding Q..... We KNOW you don't care about the one guy who encouraged people on both J5/J6 to go INTO the Capitol being treated by a corrupt DOJ with kid gloves. Duh. You're a friggin commie.
  7. A huge FU to working Americans… ‘Total Abomination'’: $1.2 Trillion Bill Funds Teen Trans Programs, Abortion to 22 Weeks A sprawling, $1.2 trillion government funding bill includes funding for abortion facilities, as well as LGBTQ activist centers that carry out transgender injections, target minors, hold drag shows, and help illegal immigrants who identify as gay or transgender gain U.S. citizenship - a bill one congressman calls "a total, total abomination."
  8. Sounds perfectly reasonable to the Billsfuk.c's, Finding's and Daz's though.
  9. Proof positive once again that some republicans are really democrats and zero democrats are really republicans.
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