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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. I'd bet my life that AT LEAST 10k out of the tens of MILLIONS of illegals who have illegally entered our country in recent years will find a way to ILLEGALLY vote in the 2024 election. You have to have Joe Biden level dementia and/or be a useful idiot to believe otherwise. It's also so strange that after the most secure election in US history in 2020, that most people think that our elections are not, in fact, secure. Really strange.
  2. Ok, let me engage with a new useful idiot. Why do YOU suppose our own federal government is not just allowing, but FACILITATING the illegal entry of millions upon millions of non citizen illegal aliens into the country? Take a stab at it, without using these four letters in order: T, r, u, m, p
  3. "You had one of the first-hand witnesses in myself, in the Oval Office days before January 6 with the President and his national command team, where President Trump authorized 10+ thousand National Guardsmen and women. We've been saying that since that day. That hasn't changed. I testified before the January 6 committee on it. I got subpoenaed by the special counsel's department of Justice on it. I've done media interviews across the country on it. It has never changed. That authorization occurred. We sent senior DoD employees to Mayor Bowser 's office and the Capitol Police with Nancy Pelosi because they're responsible for DC. And consistent with DoD history and the law, they have to make a request for the National Guard before it can be deployed. President Trump, step one, authorizes it, like any president must, then they make the request, like any governor would, say, after a national disaster in California or any big sporting event in Kansas. Here it's DC, so it's the mayor. In writing, Mayor Bowser and Nancy Pelosi and the Capitol Police rejected it. We put those receipts out. It's their written word, not ours. But the mainstream media has spent a number of years attacking that truth because it guts their narrative of disinformation - the campaign that they have put on about 'insurrection.' And so, it's nice to be vindicated, but the important thing is to get the truth out." - Kash Patel
  4. NEW: Trump's Defense Secretary Chris Miller alleges the January 6 Committee threatened to 'make his life hell' if he didn't stop saying Trump authorized National Guard deployment before the Capitol riot. Miller specifically implicates Liz Cheney in this intimidation effort, alleging committee members warned him of additional hours of questioning if he continued defending Trump's actions on TV. Additionally, the committee allegedly withheld a transcript from a senior White House official who corroborated Miller's claim that Trump sought to deploy 10,000 troops to the Capitol before January 6. General Milley also reportedly informed the Department of Defense Inspector General that Trump had requested a National Guard presence at the Capitol, an offer that the DC Mayor turned down. Why did the January 6 Committee choose to conceal so much evidence that exonerates Trump?
  5. You voted for this didn't you King? No need to hand wave / lie. We all know you did.
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