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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Love it. What say you Finding and Billsfuk.c? You loving Ronna being part of your daily narrative download?
  2. Who here said illegals commit the majority of the crime Mr. Strawman? The issue with illegals is that they're here illegally and shouldn't be here to murder, rape....oh nevermind. A strawman followed by a deflection about guns...how very useful idiot playbook of you. Or maybe not..
  3. Anything less than everything orange man bad simply will not compute.
  4. ⬆️ Beyond supporting efforts to sexualize kids in school, thinks our President sniffing and groping young girls makes him a sweet old man. Why? Because it's a democrat / useful idiot. Go ahead Finding. Respond into the abyss...
  5. ⬆️ Thinks Biden sniffing and groping young girls makes him a sweet old man...
  6. Finding Qanon doing its moronic grammar police schtick again? How refreshing!
  7. It can't even acknowledge that Biden is cognitively impaired. Even a little. Instead if you ask the question it will respond with .....you guessed it....Trump something... Again, that's like starting a conversation about water chemistry with someone who not only can't affirm that water is composed of two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen, but always deflects the topic to liquid nitrogen.
  8. Well it's not a current border story. My guess is he didn't enter legally through a designated port of entry.
  9. I'd rather not have a large part of the GOP form a uniparty that works with democrats to pass the worst parts of their agenda.
  10. Louder Fnding Q....just a bit louder please!
  11. Hey welcome back Gene. You fuk.c stain! You love the UNIPARTY, we know.
  12. ⬆️ Pizza gate! Qanon! DR!!!
  13. I'm guessing he has obeyed the final most essential command. The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
  14. It's either completely serious, which is comedy gold for about a week before its old and tired. Or it's a troll whose entire purpose here is ridiculous ***** posting. There's no option C. Both options warrant a permanent place on your ignore list.
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