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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Ignore. Don't quote. Do your part to exterminate commie shi.t posters.
  2. Oommie shi.t poster report: Billsfuk.c Last post in 18 of top 30 and 31 of top 60 threads Analysis: shi.t posting activity remains high. At the same time, the last post in thread cohort 15 thru 60, 23 are from shi.t poster Billsfuk.c. This is a good indicator that its shi.t posting is largely ignored. We will continue monitoring this activity and working to develop a useful shi.t posting ignore index metric that non commie, non shi.t posters will find reliable. Thank you.
  3. By all accounts...
  4. ⬆️ Where two fuk.c stain "attorneys" explain how a weaponized FBI/DOJ is just fine.
  5. Coming soon, a look into a favorite term of the shi.t poster: Racist. Any guesses as to which shi.t poster prefers to flippantly toss out the racist accusation like no other? The results may be surprising.....
  6. Commie Shi.t Poster Report Weekly & Monthly TDS Standings Shi.t poster (weekly/monthly) Trump or MAGA posts 1. Billsfuk.c (72/130) 2. Tibstain (33/87) 3. Finding Qanon (24/78) 4. The King (17/65) 5. L Ron F-stain (5/6)
  7. The rigging and cheating is coming big time. Again. Here they are telling you as much with their projection. Massive and overt. 2020 was child's play. 🎯
  8. ⬆️ Acute TDS score of shi.t posting just behind the shi.t posting champ. If it raises Trump/maga shi.t post per day to 4, it can catch Billsfuk.c if it remains at its current rate in 2.5 months. We will be monitoring shi.t post rate extensively as commie lawfare efforts collapse and we get closer to election season. Current evidence suggests rise in collective shi.t post rate is strongly correlated to rise in Orange Man poll numbers.
  9. The original Flynn 302, the one that said Flynn didn't lie to the FBI and agrees with what top FBI officials told Congress, wait for it.....went missing! Imagine that an FBI document about something so serious as a traitor general lying about his ties to Russia...just goes poof, never to be found! Useful idiots remain so very useful to their commie masters.
  10. Commie ***** poster report: Billsfuk.c Current shi.t post rate: 17/hour Shi.t post rate level: moderate
  11. ⬆️ Embraces Soviet style police state tactics. Fact check: True
  12. 1:54 PM Shi.t posting alert level orange. 16 of top 30 threads last post by shi.t poster Billsfuk.c
  13. I ignore commies, but my guess here, which is most certainly accurate, is that they are defending the FBI investigating people in search of "crimes" instead of conducting an investigation of a crime in search of those responsible. Im certain of this because they are proven police state commie shi.t posters.
  14. When the FBI comes to roundy's house and the agents discuss beforehand... "So what's the goal, to get admission from roundy about inciting racial violence or get him to lie so that we can either prosecute him or get him fired" I've got news for you roundyfuk.c if the above happened to you and you had any other attorney besides Finding apparently, then your case gets tossed.
  15. Cmon Finding, you can find reporting on these FACTS on Politico. I'm sure of it. Keep looking!
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