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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. ⬆️ Doesn't care that a Russian spy, Igor Danchenko, was the primary sub source of the Steele dossier. Russian spies bad!!! Unless they can Get Trump.
  2. ⬆️ Supports the current regime allowing millions of illegals into the country. Doesn't care when US citizens are murdered by illegals.
  3. ⬆️ Supports drag queen story hour at your kids school. Also supports your kids reading anal/oral graphic novels in school.
  4. ⬆️ Supports weaponization of government agencies against its political opponents.
  5. You "had fun" while the government restricted yours and other citizens freedoms? JFC.
  6. Who did you mean by "you" then? Because it implies you're talking about people here reading it who are the other side of the issue. If you meant Trump supporters in general, and not those at PPP, then you should have said that. I only say that since by your own admission you don't visit here often and you might be surprised to learn there are very few, if any, Trump supporters here. The divide is more along the lines of those who acknowledge that Trump is a narcissistic blowhard and those with TDS.
  7. ⬆️ Supports terrorist attacks in Moscow as long as it kills innocent subjects of Putin.
  8. So by "you sheep believe" you really meant "orange Jesus tries to imply" Then why didn't you just say so?
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