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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. As did experts from Stanford, Harvard and Oxford. Imagine that.
  2. Absolutely, but the freak out by staffers shows just how locked down the bubble of group think really is. Which is exactly why you shouldn't be getting your "news" from any legacy media outlet. At all. Ever. They are forever broken.
  3. Finding Qanon, who finds Qanon conspiracies afoot everywhere it looks, is telling others not to look everywhere for nefarious intentions! The Iron Law Of Woke Projection never misses.
  4. Agreed. But if you're a moron in addition to being a commie, as Jamaal Bowman very well could be, then that's tough to beat.
  5. Yeah, MTG's antics and histrionics pale in comparison to so many commies in congress.
  6. ⬆️ Another supporter of a weaponized justice system....to save our democracy!
  7. He actually did ask a stupid question. With each subsequent unprecedented indictment of a former President and presidential candidate with rising poll numbers, why do you falsely believe that the DOJ under his opponent and the blatantly partisan DA's and AG's have weaponized against him?
  8. I agree that nobody should be jumping to conclusions at this point. But you're here for the entertainment because you're bored NOW? Man that's really saying something after all that fun you had being locked down during the pandemic.
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