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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. That's precisely why I asked if you voted in local politics. The outcomes of those elections have a far greater direct impact on you and your family. Do you really see people get bent out of shape on local city/town/county issues like they do with state or national issues? I don't. So you've NEVER voted. Sheesh that says a lot.
  2. Finding Qanon is of the protected class due to its ideology. Therefore it can attack a gay man and NOT be a homophobe.....for now. Btw Greenwald lost his husband last May. So I guess he's a self hating "widowed" gay man now, eh Finding?
  3. Four more years of Biden and we are done with the country as we once knew it. Trump wins and you will see widespread violence from the left that will make the summer of 2020 riots look like child's play, and that's before they take Trump out.
  4. Sure Axios is just fine. Critical theory is straight out of the Frankfurt school teachings of cultural Marxism. It's pervasive throughout US institutions. The long march through the institutions.....and here we are with useful idiots like FuQ defending clear marxist efforts.
  5. Control the language and control thoughts. Marxism 101. I give you "christofascists" as example #1274.
  6. This story, which was used as the impetus to not only bulk censor the Hunter laptop story everywhere on the internet and social media, but to then LOCK the account of the NY Post on Twitter and elsewhere, is STILL up on the Politico website with no updates or corrections. It should tell all non useful idiots everything they need to know about what sources they should completely dismiss before then considering what ones MIGHT be worthy of placing trust in. Newsflash useful idiots, even the WaPo, NYT and CBS news have acknowledged that Hunter's laptop always was authentic, even if they did so buried in paragraph twenty six. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/19/hunter-biden-story-russian-disinfo-430276
  7. I still remember when the King went on a rant about The Federalist, and finished it by linking to Axios. 😂
  8. Control language and control thoughts. A pillar of cultural Marxism. From riots called "mostly peaceful protests" to illegal aliens called "undocumented americans" and everything in between. Never, ever use the language or accept new definitions that the commie demands.
  9. If you support DEI, woke or CRT in any way, then you are probably a marxist, and definitely a useful idiot.
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