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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. No, you shouldn't worry about it at all. Your idiocy doesn't bother me in the least. It just explains everything about you. Trust me, the less we have of useful idiots like yourself voting, the better. It's been a fun few days and thanks for the entertainment, but now you can join the rest of them.
  2. Assumptions? From the guy who isn't political at all, yet assumes everyone who doesn't agree with him politically is a Trump guy. Got it.
  3. Right. Tell that to the millions of people who lost their jobs and businesses because the government needlessly shut down the country. Fun times!
  4. What do you mean? Shutting down the economy for months on end was.....FUN!
  5. Yes. Fuk.c.ed regardless. With a Biden win it will be a long painful swirling of the bowl over another four years and beyond. The only satisfaction I'd get out it is the slack jawed looks of disbelief when the useful idiots inevitably start getting purged themselves. Trump wins? Ha. It's gonna be U.G.LY. Fast. Ignoring everything else about these two, the ripping of the band aid that will result from Trump win is better for long term hope for the country. If we're going down the sh.it.ter then I'd prefer to get it over with quickly to get to the other side of what's most certainly coming regardless.
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