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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Liz Cheney = libs/commies love her. All you need to know. That TRUMPS any other label put on her by herself or commie media.
  2. 🎯 When Biden's cognitive collapse—whatever the source—is at last made public, long after this girl scout-sniffing statist is put out to pasture... know this: There will be no concession of this repeatedly-asserted fact. The media will author no conciliatory admission of the grand deception they engineered. Slow-mo Joe will instead be portrayed as a "brave old man" who "defied doctor's orders" to "save the nation at a crucial hour." In fact, I'd argue if you pay close attention to media coverage in the present? You can see them laying the groundwork for it.
  3. Commies. Also, fact check: True. Let's get this straight. Senate Democrat leader Chuck Schumer went to the steps of the Supreme Court and physically threatened the justices, if they didn't rule his way on a pending case. For months, Biden Democrats threatened and intimidated Supreme Court justices and their families in their homes. With that same pending case. The Biden White House and Justice Department encouraged these illegal obstruction-of-justice campaigns, falsely stating they were protected by the First Amendment. (They are absolutely not. They are a federal crime.) Even after justices and their families went to safe houses. Even after the 1 am assassination attempt against Justice Kavanaugh, his wife Ashley, and their two teenage daughters. Biden Democrats constantly attack Ginni Thomas for her lifelong political advocacy--in which she has engaged long before her husband became a judge or justice. But Trump is somehow "threatening" by pointing out the clear political biases of Democrat judges, prosecutors, attorneys, their staffs, their adult family members, and witnesses? If anyone on the planet has the absolute constitutional right to do this, it is a criminal defendant. Especially one going through a criminal process that is so obviously politicized and weaponized against him.
  4. All of it is by design. All of it.
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