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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. I'll say it again for the benefit if the many newish posters we have here. This place used to be moderated to a degree. What you see from Billsfuk.c every day since it joined would not have been tolerated in the past. Again, Billsfuk.c has been shi.t posting from the very first day that it joined the board a few years ago. I've been here since 2002. I was in my 20s then btw for the benefit of the moron crowd who like to toss out the boomer label. Therefore I'm only left to conclude that the Billsfuk.c posting style is indeed permitted on PPP currently. I'd be thrilled if a mod were to come by and clearly state that it's no longer allowed. We know who wouldn’t be long for PPP if that were to happen. But again, that would require a mod to volunteer to actually moderate this cesspool, and that's a ridiculous ask IMO. Therefore, if you don't like it here your options are: 1. Stay here and contribute either by mostly useless engagement with other Bills fans(?) or via the Billsfuk.c way. 2. Leave. Or if you can't pull yourself away, attempt to doxx someone and get banned from TBD entirely. 3. Ask SDS, who again has publicly stated that he regrets ever allowing this sub forum to exist, to shut it down.
  2. No, Biden just makes things up. That's different than lying. Just ask L Ron. Or was it Roundy? Hard to keep up with the stupid.
  3. Real Time Iron Law Of Projection Shi.t Posting Update: 4th&lng Currently shi.t posting with a barrage of "commie shi.t post" responses Analysis: More evidence of the absolute nature of the iron law of woke projection. Everyone knows the go to move on the left is to call everyone on the right nazi's or fascists. However, the iron law, in its absolute nature dictates that leftists must project what they themselves are onto others at all times. By this iron law the dull commie becomes flummoxed and disoriented, becoming unable to carry out its simple marching orders. Therefore what should be: "Nazi shi.t post" Becomes... "Commie shi.t post" The iron law is absolute.
  4. So 4th is still bored and still here. So bored that it came up with a schtick, too? Fantastic. Who else but 4th could come up with a schtick so unique, original and inspiring!
  5. ⬆️ Do I know what it said? No Do I care? Also, no. Does it claim to be apolitical? Yes.
  6. Can we pause the thread for a moment to point out how hilarious it is that redtail actually responds when it's called Quack, MD.
  7. You get a few random people waiting to cross the street and a large crowd of people leaving church.
  8. There's one thing I know for absolute certain.... If PPP was shi.t canned tomorrow, there's one and only one poster here who would be beyond devastated. We all know who that is.
  9. The shi.t poster Billsfuk.c has multiple posts and a thread that explicitly states its love and devotion for DEI initiatives. It can flail its TDS addled arms all it wants. DEI IS MARXIST. PERIOD. Until it can point to anyone here explicitly supporting nazis, fascists or whatever else its marxist/ commie masters tell it to, then it remains the clown it has always been.
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