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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Not yet at least. When marxists redefine, or outright censor, language then peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard really means do the Insurrection. And it still does to useful idiots to this day. Yuri Bezmenov was right.
  2. Oppressed vs. Oppressors. Marxism 101. They want to achieve what marxists always want. Power. Principles and standards are perpetually fluctuating in service to gaining, and then keeping, power Destroying the opposition to acheive power is all that matters. The reverse sear, preferably by starting with sous vide, is the best method IMO. https://www.seriouseats.com/reverse-seared-steak-recipe
  3. The point, which went over 4ths useful idiot head, is Olbermann wants people ARRESTED for stupid ***** like this. Did anyone here or conservative podcasters want Kathy Griffin arrested for her idiotic stunt? That absolutely was a fireable offense seven-ish years ago. Today? NFW. She'd get promoted today.
  4. https://twitter.com/DogRightGirl/status/1774092513143349250?t=ZWv7K50ElVEJyrSPeUDq0g&s=19
  5. I know. Like i said, Biden (or more accurately his handlers in charge) and Hochul have done it.
  6. Yes it has, since 2009. Biden and now Hochul only ones to issue proclamations recognizing it.
  7. Make sure to make your way to the Falls tomorrow to show your support!
  8. If grown adults want to engage in this behavior IN PRIVATE, the vast majority of Americans don't GAF. However, the vast majority do GAF when this crap is shoved in their faces IN PUBLIC, not to mention at the friggin White House. This will give useful idiots seizures. Love it.
  9. In fairness to the rotting bag of oatmeal at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, everyone realizes he is just an empty vessel that the marxists running the executive branch are using, right? Biden has no clue about any of this nonsense.
  10. The King downloaded its narrative. Shocking. Again, if this has been around since 2009 what gives with Obama not giving it the Presential proclamation treatment? Careful, don't hurt yourselves with that one commies.
  11. I knew a useful idiot would post that. Figures it was the biggest one who did. Absolutely roasted in the comments. By Christians and the Gaza "genocide" crew alike. I scrolled through five pages, not a single one in support of this insincere message that KJP wrote anyway. Here's just one.
  12. They must have been really pissed when Fauci said masks are useless and in person voting is no problem.
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