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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Fact check: True In 1994, Congress enacted the FACE Act, 18 U.S. Code § 248. It’s a federal crime to physically obstruct: (1) access to abortion clinics; or (2) religious services. But the Biden DOJ selectively enforces the FACE Act by: (1) aggressively protecting the abortion industry; and (2) largely ignoring attacks on Catholic Churches.
  2. Why are you all worried about NOTHING? Just the DC US attorney account promoting this crap on EASTER. And no, this account hasn't posted anything about celebrating Easter yet today.
  3. Also keep in mind that this, like every other destructive act by this regime, is by design. They are purposely provoking Christians, hoping for a response. A violent response. Then it will be....see! Christofascists! Marxist playbook 101.
  4. The FBI targeting catholics as domestic terrorists. The friggin POTUS issuing a proclamation about yet another trans day that also coincides with Easter, when any other of the 145 trans days during the year could have sufficed for a proclamation. Leftist marxists adopting and promoting the made up term christofascist. LRonfuk.cStain : Why are you all getting worked up over NOTHING! The government targeting and blatantly disrespecting those of faith is a lot of things, but it certainly isn't nothing to the vast majority of Americans. Although I certainly understand why it appears to be nothing to commies.
  5. The King: Let me share with you this detailed guide on why Trump is guilty, brought to you by a bunch of Marxists. Also next, let me show you this handy guide as to why Jews are evil, brought to you by Hamas. Craig Newmark = Wikipedia Open Society = George Soros NYU = well NYU Atlantic Philanthropies = initiatives listed on website chock full of DEI, LGBTQ crap.
  6. 4th is still playing the "why are you unhappy PPP losers wasting your time here, just like I am" game. How refreshing.
  7. I wonder what would happen to Christians if they did this at a mosque?
  8. I know it might shock some of you, but Joe Biden has zero clue about what is posted to his X account. At least with the great orange menace, as ill advised as many of his tweets were, there was zero doubt that it was actually him.
  9. As we head into Easter, remember this: Left’s god/goal = Power on earth Religion/strategy = Marxism Clerics/leaders = China / Soros / Obama Sects/tactics = Fear / Division / Chaos / Destruction 1. Information Control “Misinformation!” / “Disinformation!" / Ministry Of Truth / Big Tech gatekeepers Google, Amazon, Facebook Apple / ridicule, censor, silence, de-platform, cancel dissent 2. Racial Division DEI / CRT / BLM / Hamas / antifa / woke / #Equity / #DefundThePolice / Open Borders / Mass Parole / "Islamophobia!" / "Xenophobia!" / Bail Reform / Coddle Violent Criminals 3. Gender Chaos #MeToo    / Birthing Persons / Pronouns / Groomers / "Gender-Affirming Care" (life-destroying pills and surgeries on kids) 4. COVID lockdowns (Economic Destruction Part I) 15 Days To Slow The Spread / #StayHome / COVID controls / 6 feet / mask mandates / vaccine passports / social credit 5. “Climate Change" (Economic Destruction Part II) next religious sect, after burning out everyone on COVID 6. Electoral Power Democracy! / mass-mail ballots / no signature verification / no election observers / no voter IDs / noncitizens voting / Zuck Bucks / Politicized and Weaponized Intel Agencies and Law Enforcement Happy Easter!
  10. Offended conservative Christian snowflakes are just like those kids looking for made up microaggressions and safe spaces! -LRonFuk.cStain How dare they notice!
  11. Disagree with the assessment here. Yes, this crap is damaging Biden massively. But it won't matter. They didn't care when Biden hid in his basement and held sporadic rallies in front of 12 people four years ago. Because they knew. They don't care about taking massive political damage nearly every day now. Because they know. Again.
  12. Fact check: True. The current state of the long marxist march through our institutions. As we head into Easter, remember this: Left’s god/goal = Power on earth Religion/strategy = Marxism Clerics/leaders = China / Soros / Obama Sects/tactics = Fear / Division / Chaos / Destruction 1. Information Control “Misinformation!” / “Disinformation!" / Ministry Of Truth / Big Tech gatekeepers Google, Amazon, Facebook Apple / ridicule, censor, silence, de-platform, cancel dissent 2. Racial Division DEI / CRT / BLM / Hamas / antifa / woke / #Equity / #DefundThePolice / Open Borders / Mass Parole / "Islamophobia!" / "Xenophobia!" / Bail Reform / Coddle Violent Criminals 3. Gender Chaos #MeToo    / Birthing Persons / Pronouns / Groomers / "Gender-Affirming Care" (life-destroying pills and surgeries on kids) 4. COVID lockdowns (Economic Destruction Part I) 15 Days To Slow The Spread / #StayHome / COVID controls / 6 feet / mask mandates / vaccine passports / social credit 5. “Climate Change" (Economic Destruction Part II) next religious sect, after burning out everyone on COVID 6. Electoral Power Democracy! / mass-mail ballots / no signature verification / no election observers / no voter IDs / noncitizens voting / Zuck Bucks / Politicized and Weaponized Intel Agencies and Law Enforcement Happy Easter!
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