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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. In fairness to GF, its dimwitted posts have been on full display here in PPP long before any of the above.
  2. Nothing says winning quite like when commies deflect from Joe's daily overt bouts of dementia with circa 1995 Biden style gaffes that Trump is guilty of today. That green sky clown world you guys keep bragging about living under is winning hearts and minds I tell ya!
  3. I'm sure that Finding Q by now has read all about this story based on COURT DOCUMENTS in reliable news outlets everywhere. But just in case...
  4. The nuclear codes were probably under Barron's mattress with the Hustlers....
  5. Roundy seems to be active on the forum today, but maybe he missed the post above? Add this one to the list of racist Biden comments Roundy should weigh in on. Stewart even throws Biden a life line....and he still botched it. Ohhh it all so comical. Listen to that audience laugh. But Trump...
  6. Deadly force authorized to recover documents sent to Mar a Lago that Trump didn't request. Are you awake yet?
  7. In fairness to commies, they've called him a Nazi since the moment he came down the escalator at Trump Tower. And before him Romney was a Nazi. Before him? McCain. Before him? GWB. https://reason.com/2012/03/19/axelrod-stays-classy-with-romneyhitler-c/ https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mccain-advised-ultra-righ_b_132612/amp https://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=2312439&page=1
  8. Leftists want to make up rules around SCOTUS spouses having opinions in a useless effort to force recusal from justices. Meanwhile these same leftists ignore laws already on the books when mobs protest in front of justices homes. Guess what commies? ***** off.
  9. Finding Q is of course way ahead of the curve on this. Reliable media outlets all over this news like flies on a ribroast.
  10. What say you Roundy? Biden likes to call black men....boy. I'm sure Trump would get away with this.
  11. They be closing. This sham trial in NY is working out great isn't it commies? When Trump is found guilty by the commie jury his poll numbers will surely plummet... No really they will!
  12. Since the PPP moron class can't walk and chew gum. Two ideologies that are BOTH bad and anti American: Nazis. Marxists.
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