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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Is Maxine Waters going to apologize anytime soon for exhorting people to violence against Trump supporters? Might help to turn down the temperature.
  2. I see you're not a serious poster. I assumed as much, but thanks for confirming it.
  3. So then your conclusion was that Trump incited a peaceful and patriotic riot by asking his supporters to march to the Capitol and make their voices heard? Watching certain reliable media outlets its my understanding that other peaceful protests/riots can be characterized as such even in the presence large conflagrations started by mostly peaceful arsonists. Trump authorized the NG days before J6. 10-20k troops. He cannot unilaterally deploy the NG without local authorities making an official request. This is the law. Not only was the request never made, we have documentary evidence that the DC mayor and house/senate segeants at arms specifically denied in writing the opportunity to make the official request. I'm sure you'll object to the above but I'll find the actual documents later. Not that it will likely matter. Four people died at the Capitol on J6. Ashli Babbit we all know the story. Greeson died from a heart attack. /Phillips died from a stroke. Both collapsed immediately after flash bang grenades, that were illegally deployed, went off within feet of them. Again video exists of these flash bangs being deployed into the crowd as it was merely standing there, milling about. So no, not storming the Capitol. Boyland was crushed by the crowd in the tunnel. She was pulled from the tunnel unconscious. As her lifeless body lies prone we have video of a Capitol police officer beating her with a nightsick. All four of the above were cremated without family permission before autopsies was performed. Sicknick was not attacked, although the false media narrative that he was bludgeoned with a fire extinguisher persisted for weeks after J6. An autopsy was performed and the coroner concluded the cause of death was natural causes. Furthermore, there is video of Sicknick in the Capitol late on J6 walking around perfectly fine. The suicides weeks or months later? Please.
  4. Yep. He also has since said he was wrong to do so. I'll wait for any democrat or media member who has also made the same Trump Hitler comparison (long list) to publicly say that they were wrong to do so. When do you suppose those public apologies might begin to help with turning down the temperature?
  5. When the Feds and informants outnumber the actual "kidnappers" in the conspiracy, I'd say the FBI wanted her "kidnapped"
  6. Beyond the Whitmer Fednapping being fake, even it were real that's not the issue in this thread. This thread is about elected leaders and media using reckless inappropriate language. If I wanted to counter activist violence I'd begin with say the BLM activist who murdered five cops in Dallas, or antfa who firebombed an NYC police car, or the Trump supporter murdered in cold blood in the streets of Portland, or the federal court house in Portland that was firebombed and attacked for a month. Yes, that's where I'd start.
  7. Michigan Whitmer Fednapping? Hoax. Roundy 0 for 1.
  8. The interns who run Biden's account had those tweets ready to go for weeks. They probably shut down their access immediately after the assassination attempt, thus the delay.
  9. There's more than a few out there. Plenty of examples to choose from.
  10. But some rednecks put Biden tied up stickers on their trucks!
  11. Both lies. He told protesters to march peacefully and patriotically to the Capitol. He pre authorized up to 20k national guard which local authorities must request first by law for it to be deployed. Both the DC mayor and house/senate sergeants at arms refused to make official NG tequest. Wrong. Four people died at the Capitol on J6. All Trump supporters. No law enforcement officers died on J6. You've probably only heard one name before, reliable media and all, but here are the names of the only four people who died at the Capitol on J6. Ashli Babbitt, Rosanne Boyland, Kevin Greeson, Benjamin Phillips. Maybe, just maybe stop calling Trump who admittedly can be unconventional and bombastic, Hitler and a dictator. Might be a good start towards healing "false divisions" after eight years of hammering he's Hitler rhetoric into the heads of half the country.
  12. Agreed, but if Ben Shapiro's friend wants to characterize it like that I've got no problem.
  13. ⬆️ Calls everyone he disagrees with racist. A huge part of the temperature problem. ***** off.
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