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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Oh no...it's just stevestojan. Fuk.c stick racists like roundy were probably in diapers when you were LAMPing away. Hey remember when you complained about the profanity filter so annoyingly and incessantly that SDS changed it so that: Sh!t = stevestojan I'm sure that SDS wouldn't remember that at all! The tape supposedly existed eight years ago.
  2. So a guy who posted so much about himself that it results in LAMP being coined after his constant posts bragging about his porn job and other mundane life events....thinks it's odd that people would actually remember it. Welcome down to the cesspool. You're welcome.
  3. Didn't expect your history to be called out when you ventured into the bowels to gloat with your marxist buddies.... I get it man.
  4. Hey stevestojan... You've got Finding Qanon in your corner. So you've got that going for you, which is nice. Let's take a longer walk down TBD memory lane. Most know what a LAMP means TBD lexicon. Well we've been graced here in the TBD bowels that is PPP today with the OG of the Look At Me Post. stevestojan! So much look at me it would make even the great orange menace himself cringe. He's been sparse in recent years, but today he's back in all his LAMP glory.
  5. Creepy? I didn't work for porn sites, brag about it, and post here 24/7 circa 2005. You did
  6. You'll fit right in with the rest of the marxists.
  7. Says the guy who began his TBD posting career whittling away the hours while working for porn sites. Grab your Bible and repent.
  8. Right. If you spent any time here other than the last 30 minutes you'd know that there are maybe 2 Trump supporters who post here regularly. At the same time there are many morons who call anyone who can see what has been done to the great orange narcissistic blowhard, and not agree with it.. MAGA!!!! with their hair on fire. Welcome to their ranks.
  9. Did Bilksfuk.c contract you to take over his shi.t posting duties for the afternoon?
  10. The exact point of posting it. What do you think would happen if you had Trump saying the exact same words as Biden said in the clip in any context at all?
  11. Commie shi.t poster activity update. Many commie shi.t posters who don't ever venture into the cesspool of PPP are here. You don't need the PPP commie shi.t posting analytics team to tell you why.
  12. 🎯 All non commies....are you awake yet? If not you might as well join up with the trans dei woke commies.
  13. Make no mistake the sentencing being four days before will be used by uniparty members to draft a different candidate. Dementia Joe will win against any GOP candidate not named Trump. All part of the uniparty plan.
  14. Yep. The medicine won't be so tasty when it's force fed to Marxists.
  15. Not the point. With all due respect you're waaaaay out to lunch on this. 235 years until we arrived at this. And it took a rigged trial in a highly partisan venue with a judge who ignored the law at every turn. What Flynn was talking about didn't have anything to do with Trump at all.
  16. You sir, like many, have badly miscalculated the extent to which Marxists have infiltrated our institutions. There is only one way back, to reverse course of the long road that got us to where we are today. Nobody alive today will see it's complete reversal, if it's even possible.
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