How often can you get a shi.t poster to respond with posts they know you'll never read?
We're working on best quantification methods.
Proposed name: Commie Response Abyss Phenomenon (CRAP)
We've got Finding, Tibs and Billsfuk.c right now ***** posting.
I'm sorry the geometry isn't working out for you three.
Hint: isosceles. You might not get any on ya.
Or maybe you'd rather? You do you commies.
It's might already be out there, but you just know that the "Trump guilty verdict is a blow to the anti LGBTQIA+XYZ movement" story has been in the can for weeks.
I'll say it again.
There's absolutely no greater endorsement of your critical thinking skills than to be told you lack them by those who display steadfast adherence to the iron law.
Get your IV TDS fix here.
We simply ask that your loads remain within the confines of your Trump spunk circle.
Beyond that the anti-communists will let you be other than for the periodic mockings.
Daily topic: The convicted felon tag is neither a bridge nor too far.
Oh Finding has heroes. I imagine Twinkies Bragg is pretty high up there as of right now for it.
Sane people don't hero worship ANY politician. Sane people use the hero designation for military, law enforcement, firefighters etc.