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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Any quee.rs for Palestine in the parade?
  2. Found the Neil Peart article. You took in that Genesis Buffalo show with Neil only a few months before he joined Rush in '74. Peart went on to say that he was fortunate enough to see Collins play with Genesis in 1974 at the Century Theater in Buffalo, New York. “It was simply a galvanising performance by him and all of that excellent band,” he said. “The music from that night’s show echoed in my head long after”. https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/phil-collins-influence-rush-neil-peart/
  3. Intersectionality is our strength. Until the inevitable eating of your own happens...
  4. Another way Marxists "save our democracy..." Encouraging unelected bureaucrats to punish elected representatives of the people... Wholesome. American. Like apple pie. Thank God we have these people to "save democracy"
  5. Why can't everyone agree with the Regime & The King? It's all so perfectly clear. Do not question... Most of all you ABC!
  6. There are no conflicts of interest in show trials. Only gag orders on defendants so they can't talk about them.
  7. The King asking for just one reason how this trial was a sham show trial and should be overturned. Merchan & daughter. You could end it right there before going to the dozens of others.
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