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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Not only did she delete the tweet, she deleted her account. Yeah Beattie was wrong to paint with a broad brush, but with a moronic take of such magnitude it gets lost in the shuffle.
  2. A tidal wave of former and current Secret Service agents, both rank and file, and managers, are reaching out to me pleading for help. Many of them have been telling me, and anyone else who would listen, for years, that the Secret Service was collapsing under the enormous weight of managerial incompetence. In the attached article you’ll see I’ve been discussing these issues since early 2012. Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle’s selfish, irresponsible decision to remain in position is a genuine national security crisis for our country. Her leadership has already played a significant role in one tragedy, and another one is likely under her failed leadership. If this mess isn’t immediately cleaned up, I assure you, we will lose a President. washingtonian.com/2013/12/04/wha…
  3. Highly recommend you take the time to watch this detailed and well presented analysis. Beyond this analysis using real data, the other piece of evidence that makes me reject the lone gunman theory is the FBI putting it out there within hours of the shooting. Before they even claimed to have access to his phone. If the IC is reporting something about Trump you'll be very well served to doubt it from the start.
  4. When you make a claim for the world to see that Trump staged the assassination attempt to avoid jail I'm not too concerned about the guy pointing it out engaging in a little hyperbole while doing so. He was a speech writer for Trump. Many of the times I've seen him refer to his time as a White House official it's been with tongue planted firmly in cheek. Edit: I guess his time extended into the Biden administration as well. Example of tongue in cheek post. I used the X because it was clear the tweet he was referring to had been deleted and that you didn't read it. At least I hope so. His actual job is Revolver news. One of the "scum alternative media" pointing out all the J6 inconsistencies, including the ridiculous IC narrative around the DNC pipe bomb.
  5. Notice the former CIA he quoted as his example deleted the tweet saying Trump orchestrated getting shot to avoid jail. He couldn't possibly say anything more stupid than that.
  6. All I know is that sometimes the truth is contrary Everything in life you thought you knew All I know is that sometimes you have to be wary 'Cause sometimes the target is you
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