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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. I hate to do this to you Finding as you're already a quivering mess with conspiracy theories galore bouncing off the walls of your skull where both I and DR comfortably reside. But check out DRs profile and there you will find his previous screen name before he changed it to Deranged Rhino.
  2. Need more threads like this. A thread with 100% commie ***** posts. Undisturbed by rational, sane contributions. Marxists are free to spill all over themselves. New metric: CJST. Circle Jerk Spiller Thread. You've chosen to ignore content by ChiGoose. Options You've chosen to ignore content by L Ron Burgundy. Options You've chosen to ignore content by ChiGoose. Options You've chosen to ignore content by L Ron Burgundy. Options You've chosen to ignore content by ChiGoose. Options You've chosen to ignore content by The Frankish Reich. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Scraps. Options You've chosen to ignore content by L Ron Burgundy. Options You've chosen to ignore content by ChiGoose. Options You've chosen to ignore content by L Ron Burgundy. Options Unread replies You've chosen to ignore content by 4th&long. Options You've chosen to ignore content by ChiGoose. Options
  3. BillsfanNC: one screen name change in 22 years. For six months. It would have been shorter, but did you know that if you change your screen name you can't change it back for six months? Did you also know that you can find any members screen name history right in their profile including exactly when it was changed? You'd think that Finding would know of these basic tools as it tries to solve this perplexing riddle! Keep obsessing Finding. It's a great look.
  4. Keep circling. You'll solve it. You can do this!
  5. I'm sorry Finding. No I won't read your commie posts. I know it bothers you.
  6. Unbridled enthusiasm! I'm proud of you Finding. Once you finally solve the riddle I might be forced to change your name.
  7. We know. Those filthy MAGA scum planting bombs and constructing gallows on J6 that the FBI can't find? No big deal. Grandma taking an eight minute stroll through the velvet ropes? Straight to the gulag. Don't worry guys. Your consistent adherence to bedrock principles renders you immune to mockery.
  8. Don't worry Finding Qanon...the great DR identity riddle is within your grasp! Just obsess more.
  9. Commie Response Abyss Phenomenon high in this thread.
  10. ⬆️ The great provider for the PPP commie shi.t posting analytics team.
  11. It's all over schools with the Irish culture. I see it everywhere. They even glorify binge drinking and promote the benefits of getting bombed to 3rd graders. All of the above is really happening in schools, but the damn right just keeps denying it.
  12. Finding Q I'm really DR. No really I am. I gave you clues. Did you find that script to Contagion II that I punched out?
  13. Commie shi.t poster activity alert Commie shi.t poster: Billsfuk.c Bumped 17 of top 30 threads currently. Analysis: Coming down from week long TDS circle jerk. Back to its sticky keyboard.
  14. How could this happen at an icon of the reliable news industry?
  15. Lron f-stain! The covid pandemic: They will never be the same. It broke them. This pandemic shifted the entire history of the planet you friggin moron. Nobody will be the same.The entire friggin world shut down with mostly useless mitigation measures because of a virus that was genetically engineered in a Chinese lab. But....Get over it already! Useful idiot indeed.
  16. So much idiocy. Led by Finding of course. No clue about traditional vaccines, mRNA vaccines and what that means in terms of development and manufacturing timelines.
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