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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Let's check shall we? https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/19/hunter-biden-story-russian-disinfo-430276 Yup. Story still up. Zero correction. How reliable! Even a widowed gay man, as homophobe Finding Q describes him, is more reliable.
  2. The King now ready to ride with the FBI has been corrupted by Russians narrative.
  3. PPP Commie Shi.t Poster Real Time Alert Commie Shi.t Poster: 4th&lng Bored apolitical poster not a typical shi.t poster. TDS may be exacerbated. May have contracted Billfuk.c strain of TDS. Will order appropriate diagnostics.
  4. Some classic accounts in this thread... Alaska Darin, KRC, The Crap Throwing Monkey, Ghost of BiB, stuckincincy, Johnny Coli ( a scientist on the left who wasn't a moron) Now it's been stained by Billsfuk.c and The King. Sad.
  5. Don't tell us Quack.... all those researchers who sponsored the HCQ research are all MAGA. We know. Perhaps HCQ might work for TDS?
  6. This is for the apolitical, the bored, the time wasters..... May PPP be your salvation. Bump
  7. How can we tell that Quack, MD is indeed a quack? Clinicaltrials.gov: Disease: covid-19 Intervention: hydroxychloroquine Results: 263 https://clinicaltrials.gov/search?cond=Covid19&intr=hydroxychloroquine&viewType=Table&page=2
  8. Arrested, tried and convicted long ago.
  9. Shi.t poster Tib-stain triggered. Bump.
  10. I'm sure that those who sat in on this interview and gave comments off the record throwing Biden under the bus are all MAGA republicans. There's so many of them on staff at the the WH these days! By all accounts baby!
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