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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. If they send him to prison that will force people who haven’t paid any attention to ask... Ok, what exactly did he do? That's when this insanity all falls apart and the electoral landslide looms closer.
  2. I agree with Dershowitz in that he gets a suspended sentence. The symbolism of prison without actually going to jail. Which after all is what show trials are all about. At the same time these lunatics have gone so far off the deep end he might actually attempt to incarcerate the orange dude.
  3. If DR had to go.... So must BT!!! Ban. Ban now.
  4. Must be the cortisone!
  5. Maybe you Gen Z whiz kids can give us the probability of a 950-0 vote batch anytime, anywhere?
  6. If they try to put him in jail, which these lunatics very well might.... Then that will pretty much guarantee a Trump electoral victory. Then it's on to assassination.
  7. I've always assumed that Finding is close to my age, but who knows maybe it started the "bring your mom to your first job interview" trend.
  8. Billsfuk.c and Finding have broke their commie masters vice grip. Congrats! Baby steps.
  9. "But the media recognized their mistake and will fix it going forward " - The King Really King? Which media outlets recognized their mistake and explicitly told their readers they made an error? Admitting the laptop was always real months later buried in paragraph 26 doesn't count.
  10. Oh he'd definitely do it this time. If Trump got in it would be a bloodbath on day one. Thousands of swamp bureaucrats fired. Democrats will howl. Then he'd fire even more on day two. This is precisely why he will not be allowed to win again.
  11. You just know that Lron, Roundy, billsfuk.c et al. have brought a parent to a job interview
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