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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Confession via the Iron Law. He's correct in that just investigating someone is often enough to damage their reputation and political career sufficiently. The reason it doesn't work with the orange dude is because they've been at it for almost a decade. No one among the sane believes any of it is legitimate any longer.
  2. Sadly many of us have witnessed older family members look like this at some point. No serious person can look at that clip or the hundreds of others over the past four years and claim that Biden is in good shape. Sadly we have many unserious people here as well.
  3. Probably not pooping. Well maybe not.... Oh what the hell let's just go full legacy propaganda media with this.. BIDEN CLEARLY POOPED HIS PANTS!!!
  4. 6/6/24. Checking in... https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/19/hunter-biden-story-russian-disinfo-430276 Still up. No corrections. Reliable indeed.
  5. If they send him to prison that will force people who haven’t paid any attention to ask... Ok, what exactly did he do? That's when this insanity all falls apart and the electoral landslide looms closer.
  6. I agree with Dershowitz in that he gets a suspended sentence. The symbolism of prison without actually going to jail. Which after all is what show trials are all about. At the same time these lunatics have gone so far off the deep end he might actually attempt to incarcerate the orange dude.
  7. If DR had to go.... So must BT!!! Ban. Ban now.
  8. Must be the cortisone!
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