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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. 🎯 🎯 🎯 x10^12 The really scary thing about the current moment is that the Democrats have pushed so hard and so far outside the bounds of normality with their fascist #lawfare that it has become a matter of literal survival for them to defeat Trump in November. They now understand that when Trump wins, he will do to them what they did to him, and will have the enthusiastic backing of most of America (but the difference being they committed ACTUAL crimes). As such, they are starting to act like a rabid dog backed into a corner. When faced with extinction, human beings will do almost anything to survive. It is therefore important that we imagine and anticipate the Democrats doing unimaginable things between now and Trump's inauguration day.
  2. Every single time. - it's not happening. - its happening, but its rare and so what anyway? - its happening and here's why it's good/essential.
  3. And when exactly did the flip switch from Musk being Time person of the year to public enemy #1.... Answer: when he bought their censorship happy echo chamber.
  4. How sound was this verdict? Liberal democrat Alan Dershowitz: "On a 1 to 10 it was a below 20 (-20)"
  5. Yes you can make this up. I can make up dozens of scenarios, many of which will come true in the near future. That's because im.actually awake and realize where we are at.
  6. Old enough to have her mom take him to its first job interview.
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