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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. ⬆️ Idiot, not even useful. Fact check: True
  2. ⬆️ Shi.t poster who agrees that Trump is a victim of Marxist lawfare.
  3. Great work once again by the PPP commie shi.t posting analytics department!
  4. Maybe lawfare victim Trump will propose something really crazy like "forgiving" student loan debt. Oh wait...
  5. Tib-stain responds with an entirely predictable but Trump deflection? How out of character! But let's look closely at that Biden campaign ad. How much am I to assume is fake? 100% Why? Well because even though the narcissistic orange blowhard gives plenty of material for opposition campaign ad fodder, the Biden regime only prefers to use fake ones it seems. Like the good marxists that they are. I Immediately recognized Poland's first lady "snubbing" Trump. Fake. At 1:34 in the clip below after citing a bunch of other proven media Trump lies, there's the snub lie debunked.
  6. At every single moron who pretends that this guy is lucid. This is why my ignore list grows so large. I have zero interest in hearing any other opinion you have when you can't admit the obvious reality about Biden. Forever lost under a green sky.
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