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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. When marxists have no defense, which is all the time, they just lie and/or pivot to minutiae such as grammar/spelling. A frequent Finding tactic.
  2. I'm certain that you can't turn anywhere in the MSM today without seeing coverage of the DOCUMENTED reporting that the FBI purges its ranks based on Ideological conformity. It's wall to wall!
  3. Remember,, If you believe that the FBI is even a smidgen political then you're a CONSPIRACY THEORIST!!!!
  4. Great idea. But im only in as long as we don't have to support heterosexual anal/oral books being shown to kids at school.
  5. Finding honors LGBTQIA+ Americans who would provide your kids with books like these. Sick pedophile
  6. NEW RECAP SINCE JANUARY 6 🚨🚨🚨 FBI January 21: We had absolutely no clue this would happen. FBI October 21: We had undercover informants who went in the Capitol. FBI January 22: We had intel, plans, and kill teams. Wray April 22: "We did not to my knowledge have intel" DOJ March 23: "We had undercover MPD telling people to go up the steps to the Capitol." DOJ August 23: "We are filing an emergency motion to remove FreeStateWill's motion about undercovers." DOJ March 24: "We are responding under seal to FreeStateWill's motion about the FBI agents who were clapping and taking selfies at the Capitol." FBI March 24: "Ok, ok...there were CIA and ATF dog teams too." June 2024: "General Milley was plotting against Trump, and there were pedophile FBI agents at the Capitol."
  7. Gene and Finding picking up the Billsfuk.c slack this afternoon in the cesspool.
  8. Bump for Gene Stain
  9. For Finding the homophobe
  10. Bump for Finding
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