FBI January 21: We had absolutely no clue this would happen.
FBI October 21: We had undercover informants who went in the Capitol.
FBI January 22: We had intel, plans, and kill teams.
Wray April 22: "We did not to my knowledge have intel"
DOJ March 23: "We had undercover MPD telling people to go up the steps to the Capitol."
DOJ August 23: "We are filing an emergency motion to remove FreeStateWill's motion about undercovers."
DOJ March 24: "We are responding under seal to FreeStateWill's motion about the FBI agents who were clapping and taking selfies at the Capitol."
FBI March 24: "Ok, ok...there were CIA and ATF dog teams too."
June 2024: "General Milley was plotting against Trump, and there were pedophile FBI agents at the Capitol."