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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. RIP Donald Sutherland.
  2. Reliable media sources are on this like flies on a ribroast.
  3. Found out what happened to Billsfuk.c HoleTox procedure gone awry.
  4. Our LGBTQI+ children.... ***** off, and then ***** off again! Disgusting.
  5. Another. Real? Cheap fake? Deep mysteries that we can only trust the reliable media as our guide to truth. We need to re-examine a lot of Biden videos to ensure that we have not been fooled over the years by cheap fakes. Is this video showing Biden being ignored, humiliated and emasculated by Barack Obama real, or fake? Many people have said that this video demonstrates who is really in charge of running the country. That would be a very embarrassing situation for the current President. Please share so we can gather as many opinions as possible to determine if this is real, a cheap fake or possibly even Russian disinformation.
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