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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Will Kamabla do you one soon in front of her fawning media fan base? Or is they afraid?
  2. You better wake up and start being one...yesterday.
  3. Harris / Walz ARE COMMUNISTS. If you are committed to voting for them then you are voting for communists. Therefore you are AT MINIMUM a useful idiot. I call people useful idiots / communists if they plan to vote for COMMUNISTS. Sorry, not sorry. Don't want to be called a useful idiot or commie? Stop supporting communists.
  4. Are you a grown adult? Chop off your penis and hack away at those breasts.. You'll get no pushback from me. But of course the commies always ignore that its about sexualizing and grooming FRIGGIN CHILDREN that is the issue. They know that and always misrepresent the argument anyway. Because that's exactly what commies always do.
  5. ⬆️ Now don't be like 4th and get all pissy because I ignore your drivel. You're a commie gaming zoomer. Don't throw away all your credibility when it's at its peak.
  6. Please don't waste your time. It can't even follow a conversation and will continually lie about what you posted only a few minutes before...and then begin accusing YOU of posting misinformation. Completely lost useful idiot.
  7. She seems nice. And stable. And not in a cult at all.
  8. I put it on ignore yesterday and then it changed its screen name. It now takes less than a day to sniff then out. Sometimes it only takes a post or two.
  9. This has as much credibility right now as the couch ***** story, so its fair game. Your rules commies.
  10. You've already got a full communist running your country. We're merely on the brink. May I suggest you direct your efforts there, unless you actually support your communist Prime Minister?
  11. The Vance couch ***** hoaxers might want to sit this one out. Not because they fell for another lame hoax, that's to be expected, but #TamponTim is as real as the blue sky. Also, when Hillary takes to X trying a lame Clintonian dipsy-do-fliparoo with #TamponTim.....then you know it's working. But you're Canadian, right? Take off, hoser.
  12. I know right? What myriad of problems could even be reasonably foreseen when you install tampon machines in BOYS BATHROOMS? Urinals in the girls bathrooms too I say. Or better yet troughs!
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