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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. The Presidential Greatness Project! Respondents included current and recent members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association, which is the foremost organization of social science experts in presidential politics, as well as scholars who had recently published peer-reviewed academic research in key related scholarly journals or academic presses. 525 respondents were invited to participate, and 154 usable responses were received, yielding a 29.3% response rate. The American Political Science Association you say? I tell ya the APSA just reeks bipartisanship. But let's look around.. https://thehill.com/opinion/education/4180961-im-a-conservative-is-there-still-a-place-for-me-in-the-field-of-political-science/ I’ve attended nearly every APSA since 1984, a third of its existence and most of my life. Seeing old friends, new books and countless panels exploring politics is the highlight of my year, even though I am one of the roughly 10 percent of political scientists — not all on the down-low — who usually vote Republican. https://heterodoxacademy.org/blog/social-science-political-disparities-self-selection/ American university professors are overwhelmingly politically liberal. Nowhere is this better demonstrated than by Mitchell Langbert’s (2018) recent study of faculty political party preferences at elite liberal arts colleges. In short, Langbert found that Republicans are virtually absent in many academic disciplines and are entirely absent in some universities. The dearth of non-liberal faculty is particularly acute in the humanities and the social sciences, where disciplines such as sociology and anthropology enjoy liberal-to-conservative ratios of 40-100:1.
  2. She's not a biologist so can't define woman. Definitely a wokeologist. Pregnant people. People who have the potential to become a pregant person and people who have XX chromosomes (women) have a 100% venn diagram overlap. Therefore since she's unqualified to define woman, she's also unqualified to define pregnant people.
  3. Roundys world. Where EVERYTHING is viewed through the racist filter. Just like its masters demand..
  4. Roundy with the iron law of woke projection right on cue. As if there are any circumstances whatsoever under which Trump "wins" tonight in Roundys world. And then it doubles down with more stupidity...citing academics ranking Trump as an awful President. Gee, you think so? That ranking has a much credibility as a MAGA convention ranking the orange dude #1.
  5. I only see Finding's posts when someone quotes him. But it's still always somewhat stunning to see him bring moronic takes to ever greater heights of stupidity. Billsfuk.c, Tibstain, Roundy, LRon? They only have one speed of stupid on perpetual repeat. Finding? In a class by itself. Well the King is right there too of course. But the crown is certainly there for the taking by Finding.
  6. Are there any topics that matter to the average voter that AREN'T bad for Biden?
  7. Border: Republicans blocked border deal. Economy: Trump policies caused inflation. 16 economists signed a letter.... LGBTQ+/Trans/DEI: Trump's a racist bigot. At the end of every statement on any issue at all: He's a convicted felon. There will be no deviation from all the above gaslighting talking points the Marxists in control of the WH always use. The only things interesting and new will be if and how Trump can't control himself, which is likely, and monitoring Biden's drug cocktail and when it begins to wear off.
  8. The stories are already written. Biden is the winner. The only work left is how to spin it. Even it's an obvious Biden disaster it will be a Biden victory tomorrow according to the reliable media The real tale will be told if the remove Biden train picks up speed in the coming weeks. This will be where the same media who are going to tell you all about how Biden won tonight will begin telling you that he needs to be put out to pasture. The most interesting part for me tonight will be how effectively they have dialed in his dosage. For the SOTU he was hopped up at the beginning and slurring by the end.
  9. ⬆️ Dusgusting racist heterophobe.
  10. Remember: Diversity of undocumented migrants (read illegal aliens) is our strength. Robberies up 300% means that crime is down. So don't be gaslit by this reporting...
  11. This reporter might as well be Roundy. Jaw dropping stupidity.
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