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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Joy Reid and others in the media have been lying to you....well forever. They were indignant just days ago that GOP cheap fakes were in abundance about Biden and his frail state. Tonight.
  2. There's no way his handlers put Joe out there tonight for any other reason than to throw him under the bus so he can be replaced. That was catastrophic.
  3. Quack, Daz, The King etc.... By all accounts speaks better than he ever has. He's maybe lost a bit of his fastball. Spry for his age. That damn stutter though!
  4. And the very fine people hoax...now with neo nazis emerging from the forest! What a friggin mess.
  5. Blinks in short supply for Brandon tonight.
  6. Anyone surprised at how Biden looks tonight and hoping he can perk up? By all accounts spry for his age.
  7. Drug cocktail going on board shortly. Have they dialed it in over the past week? The muted mics could backfire on ole demented Joe. Just let him talk. For two minutes. Uninterrupted. No teleprompter.
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