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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. The guy at the beginning of this video removing a massive swath of restricted area fencing on J6? Yep. Cheap fake. Wake the hell up people.
  2. A good one. Also remember Lincoln was shot 5 days after Appomattox.
  3. Beat me by that much!
  4. Dr. Regina makes me wonder how Quack is doing today?
  5. More unhinged, roundy or Keith?
  6. Couldn't disagree more. They want it so badly from J6 that they continue to lie about Sicknick and other CHP officers who died weeks and months later. Violence and bloodshed would be handing the race right back to Biden or his replacement on a silver platter. They care about keeping power no matter what it takes. Think about what they've done since 2015. Russia hoax, impeachments, fedsurrection, four indictments, attempting to remove him from the ballot. They will stop at absolutely nothing. But bloodshed on the hands of Trump supporters? Outside of Trump himself croaking there isn't a bigger gift that the dems could wish for. What is coming over the coming months will be insane.
  7. Did anyone else catch Biden referring to this "study" last night? In other news Biden consults vegans for steak house rankings.
  8. Biden and his Justice Department politicized and weaponized a post-Enron obstruction-of-justice statute on corporate fraud to destroy the lives of political enemies. The Supreme Court’s Fischer decision is a crucial victory for Biden’s January 6th political prisoners and the rule of law. Fischer begins to correct Biden’s grotesque injustice and makes clear his political persecutions must end. Those involved must face severe legal, financial, and political consequences for their clearly malicious prosecution of many real Americans in real America. supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf
  9. Roundy, Tibs, 4th, Finding....
  10. A dem donor leaking some inside baseball? Proceeed with caution and full skepticism. Trump called dead US soldiers suckers and losers in front of senior military? Of course he did!
  11. Bloodshed initiated by Trump supporters? Are you kidding? That's exactly what they want.
  12. Biden saying "it's one thing if it's a minor incursion" and "my guess is that he (Putin) will move in" Of course means, as usual, that Trump lied.
  13. How are you liking the first DEI VP now? Maybe selecting a VP based on actual qualifications would provide an easier solution today?
  14. There's a lot of talk about replacing Biden---and nothing is impossible. But the mechanics of it at this stage are far more involved and difficult than people imagine. Also consider the following factors 1) Biden does not want to give up power. With mounting legal troubles for his family, he's likely more interested in clinging to the pardon power than ever 2) If you read the Revolver piece, it goes into detail as to how the DNC procedures for removing him are not simple or easy---Biden has his own loyalists stacked in there. There are also ballot issues at this late stage in the game that are considerable 3) While many on the left finally realize Biden is a major liability, it really is too little too late. Even aside from the difficulties above, the Democrat elite would have to arrive at a consensus replacement. Who would that be? Kamala is a non-starter---they all hate her. So they need to come to a consensus candidate who isn't kamala harris and deal with the fallout to passing over a woman of color heir apparent. Yet another aggravation on top of Israel-Palestine that already has the base incensed 4) Even if they come up with a consensus candidate and are able to persuade Biden to leave, there's the problem of media preparation. The media is an amazing consensus manufacturing machine but such things require TIME and RUNWAY. That's the problem with it being too late---think of how much preparation went into conditioning the public mind for covid and everything that came after. This late in the game there's just not enough time and runway for the consensus machine to kick into gear effectively. This is not to say that there under no circumstances will be an effort to replace Biden. There could very well be, and it is more likely now than it was a week ago, though the likelihood of them actually replacing him is far less than people imagine even now. All of the steps and hurdles involved in replacing him would be uncertain and have their own risks, and give the public the impression of chaos that has to be weighed against the negative public impression of Biden's cognitive condition
  15. Roundy approves of unelected bureaucrats making laws? Im shocked. So out of character for a Marxist.
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