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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Literally! Gen z confirmed.
  2. The same media who lied to you about Biden's cognitive state for years is telling you the truth with the suckers and losers story. Trust them. Reliability.
  3. Finding going off the TDS deep end. Glorious.
  4. Yes they can. And they will. They've been doing it for years with anything they choose. See: Charlottesville, very fine people and dozens of other examples.
  5. 33% of Americans have TDS? Sounds about right.
  6. Again the save our democracy crowd among democrats should be absolutely LIVID after Thursday night. They overwhelmingly voted for Biden in the primary and then get sucker punched in this debate when it's by most accounts too late to replace him. Save our democracy? You just got the Putin treatment from your own party leadership. They got duped by the dem/media disinformation machine into believing this guy was competent and who are they mad at? Trump, the CNN moderators and the "right wing" media who have been telling the truth about Biden for years. So now you'll see them line up behind a dementia patient like good little useful idiots. But I've got some "good" news for them. Something big is coming to alter the landscape. I don't know what, but it's most certainly coming. The people who surround Biden knew this was coming in the debate. 100% knew it would be a disaster. They don't put him out there without a plan. They have a plan. Bet the house on it.
  7. 2020 was the exact opposite of everything this bipartisan commission recommended. In other words, everything they recommended to enhance the security of US elections were not just ignored, but actively undermined in 2020. Only in the green sky world of commies can this report exist while simultaneously calling the 2020 election the most secure election in US history.
  8. I vividly remember all those times Michelle and Melania took to Twitter in the immediate aftermath of their husband's debates to stir up the base. Only enhances the look of a strong, independent leader.
  9. Obama already gave Biden his blessing post debate. Nothing else matters. They (Obama/Biden) aren't going anywhere.
  10. They live under a green sky, the thing being put back and the bottle itself never happened / existed. Confronting them with the videos next month? Cheap fakes.
  11. A father that sends his son struggling with addiction into the lions den that is international influence peddling? A decent man and loving father.
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