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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. SCOTUS: You can’t just throw your rival in prison because you don’t like him. DEMOCRATS: So you’re saying we can drop bombs on him? SCOTUS: You really can’t even charge your rival with a crime because his presidency made you mad. DEMOCRATS: Got it. So we can incinerate his house with him in it? SCOTUS: The Constitution protects officials from being terrorized with lawfare for official actions they undertook while in office. DEMOCRATS: Ah. Makes sense. So we can officially assassinate everyone we don’t like? SCOTUS: Prosecuting a politician because you don’t like his politics would destroy our country, and we’re not going to allow it. DEMOCRATS: Roger that. So what you’re saying is: we are officially allowed to eliminate Trump and the Supreme Court as long as we, like, say it’s official and stuff?
  2. Sage advice as always. Unfortunately lending it to someone who has eschewed in totality his basic civic duty of voting in our democratic elections indicates it might not hit home.
  3. The Orange Menace reacts... Today’s Historic Decision by the Supreme Court should end all of Crooked Joe Biden’s Witch Hunts against me, including the New York Hoaxes - The Manhattan SCAM cooked up by Soros backed D.A., Alvin Bragg, Racist New York Attorney General Tish James’ shameless ATTACK on the amazing business that I have built, and the FAKE Bergdorf’s “case.” PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!
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