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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Remember BLM used to have it right on their website before they needed to hide the Marxist rhetoric Goal: Disrupt the patriarchal nuclear family structure.
  2. Nailed it a few weeks into Biden regime.
  3. What are the chances that the media and all the leakers would sit on this bombshell Trump/Epstein evidence for so long? It's almost as if there is major unsettling news going on elsewhere in the political world and the useful idiots need a shiny new TRUMP!!!!!! object to distract them.
  4. 🎯 Madame President, what was it like to have come so very close to being assassinated by a MAGA pipe bomb on J6?
  5. Roundy's got a plethora of shots in its bag. Racist. racist. rAcIst. RacisT. raCiSt...racist.... Diversity. What can be, unburdened by what has been!
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