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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Why do you suppose BLM would be against the nuclear family Roundy? And why does much of what they believed in 2020, not appear on their website today? https://web.archive.org/web/20200202155820/https://blacklivesmatter.com/what-we-believe/
  2. Remember BLM used to have it right on their website before they needed to hide the Marxist rhetoric Goal: Disrupt the patriarchal nuclear family structure.
  3. Nailed it a few weeks into Biden regime.
  4. What are the chances that the media and all the leakers would sit on this bombshell Trump/Epstein evidence for so long? It's almost as if there is major unsettling news going on elsewhere in the political world and the useful idiots need a shiny new TRUMP!!!!!! object to distract them.
  5. 🎯 Madame President, what was it like to have come so very close to being assassinated by a MAGA pipe bomb on J6?
  6. Roundy's got a plethora of shots in its bag. Racist. racist. rAcIst. RacisT. raCiSt...racist.... Diversity. What can be, unburdened by what has been!
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