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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Remember, it's not a cult. And btw...the Parkinson disease narrative is also likely a blatant lie as its symptoms are typically not as serious cognitively, at least initially. Thus why that narrative is being pushed Lewy body dementia, caused by the very same intracellular inclusions as in Parkinsons, but because they are more widespread throughout all brain tissue cause motor deficiency AND cognitive impairment. Exactly what we observe with Biden.
  2. There's no clearer threat to our democracy than when the electorate overwhelming rejects a candidate/party.
  3. 7-8% cut in spending just to stabilize the debt. Yeah right that's going to happen. The uniparty has ***** us.
  4. Learned about the concept of a schnitt while drinking with some German colleagues in Munich. I'd had my fill for the night and begged off the last round...so that's when I was introduced to the schnitt. My pour was probably 60% foam. Rather than tipping your glass and getting a proper fill, for a Schnitt, the bartender will just open the tap and let the beer quickly fill the stein. This method creates a foamy phenomenon (sometimes 75% foam and 25% beer), and it’s a bit like the lottery. Sometimes the Schnitt closer to a full glass of beer, other times half-full (or half-empty, if you’re grumpy because you really just wanted a proper beer in the first place). Win some, lose some.
  5. Ahh the new 2025 tactic..tying conservative commentators and podcasters to it. That'll work!
  6. Biden "aged out of the public part of the job" Aged out in a week! Fantastic take Finding. You should put it in a thread title. Instant HOF candidate.
  7. Well not always. During the 2020 primary Biden was attacked relentlessly for this type of behavior. So much so that he was forced to publicly apologize for it and promise that he'd stop immediately. But once "elected" the media is right back to their code of reliability on Biden groping and sniffing kids.
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