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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. This could be coming, but remember Biden and his family have been in this game for five plus decades too. I'm sure he/they will leak damaging stuff on Obama and the rest if they go this route to take him out. Of course it won't be via their contacts in the previously friendly reliable msm, but rather with the alternative scum.
  2. PPP must remain at useful idiot equilibrium. The 2nd Iron Law.
  3. By all accounts he was very good last night. Quack is always good for some gold.
  4. Or the reverend from Poltergeist.
  5. The entire Trump won't leave office nonsense just might be the most moronic narrative the left clings to. And that's saying something. If any President had hope of just declaring that he's staying in office it would be a democrat. The entire Washington bureaucracy including military leaders have been outright hostile to Trump. They'd relish the opportunity to punish him for trying it. Anyway, due to all this unfounded hysteria its at least good to know that democrats will never object to election results again.
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