Beginners Guide to Fixing the Secret Service:
-Mandatory monthly requalifications for both pistol and long gun courses in addition to mandatory monthly physical fitness testing.
-All qualification metrics should be the same for male and female agents. USSS protectee’s heights and weights don’t change for male versus female agents, so neither should the standards.
-Security assets should be allocated based on threat levels, not titles. Assassins don’t care about titles, they care about death.
-Merge the agent and Uniformed Division Special Operations teams. Agents can’t currently act as dog handlers or Counter-Sniper Officers. And UD officers cannot serve on the Counter Assault Team. This is a meaningless obstacle.
-Turn over the investigation functions of the Secret Service to other federal agencies and have the Field Offices focus exclusively on threat mitigation, training, protective intelligence and physical protection.
-Scrap all cancerous DEI initiatives and salary enhancements for supervisors. Merit should be the ONLY guiding principle when it involves the lives of the country’s critical political figures.