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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. 4x confirmed that the advance security plan specifically called for local law enforcement to be posted on the roof of building Crooks accessed. No blame placed, but SS ultimately responsible for security plan being executed. By local law enforcement it could be Butler PD, sheriff, state police etc. The delay in sniper engaging the shooter was due to sniper team confusion because the security plan had law enforcement on the damn roof. The sniper team in the video that's everywhere is NOT the team that took out Crooks. It was the other team approximately 400 yards away from Crooks. One of the shots that ruptured the hydraulic line on the tractor behind the bleachers caused a small explosion that caused confusion about possible additional gunfire.
  2. Agree Roundy et al? If not you're RACIST!!! Your rules.
  3. In addition to Cheatle admitting she uses encrypted apps to communicate with foreign partners on both her personal and government devices, the reporting from Bongino from sources inside the SS is that she uses encrypted apps to communicate with personnel at the WH.
  4. The encrypted chat reporting comes directly from sources inside the SS. Any conjecture or "conspiracy" theorizing lies directly at the feet of the very people running government agencies who consistently lie and obfuscate.
  5. Does Finding even know how to read an X thread? It wasn't Charlue Kirk reporting the flight time you friggin dolt.
  6. SS texts missing from J6. J6 pipe bomber cell phone data "corrupted" If you believe anything these people tell the public then you're as delusional as Finding. oh....encrypted apps like Signal?
  7. Tracking movements via voluntary personal tracking devices (cell phones) only works for catching people at the Capitol on J6. Have we learned nothing? You are to believe everything the government tells you without critical thought or question you conspiracy theorists!
  8. Imagine being energized by the prospect of Kamala running after scrolling through this thread.
  9. Thankfully only a portion of his hackery makes it to me thanks to the useful, albeit flawed, ignore filter.
  10. Nope. Only did it for about a year before going back to school. I've been in clinical labs, academic labs and corporate research labs. The only work experience I'm missing is in government labs, but you couldn't pay me enough to do that. I'm in all the above types of labs regularly now demonstrating and selling high end research instrumentation.
  11. Great description. I was a laboratory technologist as well before I went back to school. One of the many brilliant mentors I've had during my career "only" had laboratory tech training. He also could point to patents and products in the company catalog that produced hundreds of millions in revenue. Today he picks and chooses consulting gigs that pull in $500k per year while working part time. So don't mind Finding, it's a paralegal pretending to be an attorney and projection comes naturally to it.
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