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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Christopher Wray was COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE and OUT OF LINE to question if President Trump was hit by a bullet. All this rhetoric does is feed the fire of ASSASSINATION DENIERS and IDIOTS like Joy Reid and Keith Olbermann!! I examined the bullet wound hours after he was shot. It was ABSOLUTELY a bullet wound with ALL the hallmark signs that accompany a wound from a high-powered rifle. Not to mention, we ALL SAW IT with our own eyes!! It’s because of IDIOTIC and POLITICALLY MOTIVATED statements like this, that we don’t have ANY confidence in the supposed #1 law enforcement agency in this country. We CAN’T TRUST THEM to run this investigation into the assassination attempt!! INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION, NOW!!
  2. What about slinging feces at cops? Behavior worthy of condemnation Roundy, Finding, Tibs? Or is the flag burning still giving you pause?
  3. ⬆️ And we always have a few neophytes who seem eager to take up the shi.t posting slack.
  4. ⬆️ Must be a fascinating take from the Biden is mentally fit and the media is reliable guy. Hate to miss it.
  5. In all seriousness I don't think there's any way that moron just leaves unannounced all on its own. It was either banned or has had some unfortunate circumstances arise in real life that caused it to abandon its virtual sandbox.
  6. Well since we don't seem to have any leftists wanting to list Kamala's extensive list of political accomplishments, let's have a look at how the grassroots organic base has become massively energized! Cue Chuck Schumer clapping.
  7. They are going to ditch Kamala.
  8. Finding! Yes, we know exactly how a series of colossal mistakes were made that allowed the SS protectee Trump to be on stage within 150 yards of unmanned high ground while there was a known threat in the area. Everyone has been completely transparent and we've got to the bottom of it all! Case closed says the moron Finding. Holy shlit, this dude claims to be an attorney?
  9. This is precisely why I ignore useful idiots. It's not like we can work from the same basic reality and set of facts and legitimately disagree and debate policy remedies. Instead you have reality and whatever shifting alternate reality they've been told to believe today. It's pointless to discuss anything with useful idiots.
  10. JD changes his name in reference to many leftists refusing to recognize Biden’s obvious in plain sight DEMENTIA and Roundy characterizes THAT as derangement. The friggin iron law of woke projection. Raining bullseyes all day long.
  11. Cmon Roundy, you can do it! Do you condemn vandalizing public property, beating law enforcement and burning the US flag? I mean two of those three happened on J6 and you had no problem rightly condemning those people. Is it the burning of the US flag part that makes you hesitant to condemn this lawless mob?
  12. Roundy working for Kamala?
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