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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. No, I don't get that pov at all. But let's grant you the point for sake of argument and instead let me ask you... What possible point is there or positive outcome to be achieved by the IOC getting involved in any of this? Allowing one side in a war between two religious groups to launch a blatant attack on the other during the opening ceremony of the world's premiere sporting competition? Maybe the NFL should let the alphabet cult recreate the Noah's ark with a dash of simulated bestiality thrown in during the next Super Bowl halftime? Should be great for the brand!
  2. I know what Roundy "does about it" Calls strangers on the internet who it disagrees with racists. Changing the world.
  3. Or you could not be a partisan hack and condemn all such sick depravity. But yay offering elementary school kids anal / oral books! If you don't want those available in schools for KIDS then you're a book burner, right?
  4. Yup. Sticking a middle finger right in your eye. The goal of course is to provoke violence against the alphabet cult.
  5. ⬆️ I don't even want a useless commie like Finding banned. Or Gene F-stain even.
  6. Wray, the FBI director, deliberately muddied the waters about his own investigation because conservatives are unhinged. - Finding Qanon.
  7. When book banning is good. - Your friendly neighborhood communist
  8. It's going to be hilarious when they dump Kamala. Anyway...
  9. Sounds about right. Reliable Axios reporting.
  10. Commie scum TH3 attacking the messenger? How novel and refreshing!
  11. No *****. "Breaking" news telling everyone the sky is indeed blue....two weeks later.
  12. The entire goal of the Biden regime was to open the border while at the same time claiming its secure. That's why Biden saddled Kamala with it. If it got too out of control, which it most definitely did, and became a massive political albatross then just ditch Kamala for the 2024 election. This is why Kamala slick talked her way around it with finding "root causes" and other nonsense. Anything to not claim on the record the actual duties Biden saddled her with. Fast forward to 2024 and Bidens dementia predictably accelerated and he got ditched instead. So how does the border czar now running for President distance herself from the border disaster? With a friendly propagandist Pravda media gaslightling useful idiots.
  13. Cmon Roundy. Defend this. Call us all hateful transphobes again for calling this out for what it is. Bring down the temperature and create unity!
  14. Remember when Mohammad was mocked by a French paper and what happened? Oh.
  15. More trans woke nonsense. And here I was only expecting USA athletes to shi.t on the country they're representing.
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