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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. 4th week of NFL football. 4th&long still bored!
  2. Quack, MD
  3. The only part of my post that was personal was calling him a fuk.c stick. I'll argue its justified given: He posted here incessantly from his job in the porn industry once upon a time. Spamming the forum about his porn job and other mundane aspects of his life.... Every. Single. Day. This resulted in someone dubbing this posting style as LAMPing (look at me post) Thus he is indeed the OG LAMPer. Finally, among his barrage of LAMPs he often bitched about the board profanity filter, to which mods responded by changing the filter for shi.t to stevestojan. You've been here awhile so you probably remember all of this, but for the newer posters some context to the clown that is stevestojan.
  4. Shi.t (*stevestojan) cites *instagram* to call out "hoaxes" Stevestojan aka porn boy / OG LAMPer The integrity just oozes from each and every post. A fuk.c stick for the ages.
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