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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. And what was a bridge too far for Dave Chapelle? Telling a joke about trans people. Massive cancel campaign resulted and he was attacked on stage by a lunatic. What saved Chapelle was his steadfast refusal to give in and apologize to the woke mob.
  2. Not a leftist and discuss blackface as part of a costume? Fired. Leftist who actually has worn blackface while using the n word? You get an extremely rare interview with the first black female VP.
  3. ⬆️ One of its threads gets bumped and billstime is on it like white on rice.
  4. If nothing else the last few pages of this thread shows that engaging with useful idiots is not a complete and total waste of time at all. Complete intellectual honesty always!
  5. The comedian angle does not apply. Again you must force the left play by their own insane rules. See Barr, Roseanne. If Stern were a Trump supporter he'd have been canceled and ruined long ago.
  6. Scraps misinformation debunked!
  7. Trump is going to cheat. Again! This time due to inflation the Russians will spend $150k on ads that Trump told Putin to release. Also, in 2020 with Trump actually in office, where presumably his opportunities to cheat would be greater, we ended up with "the most secure election in US history." Now as the challenger again and not in office, if he wins, the measures that made 2020 the most secure election in US history suddenly vanish. TDS is all consuming.
  8. Remember when the King and others claimed that the media and dems were never down on Harris as VP? Misinformation must be curbed!
  9. We need to curb misinformation. L Ron demands it. Ohhhh, he meant only misinformation from the other side.
  10. Roundy? King? Quack? Finding? L Ron? I'm shocked that none of you have commented on Harris giving one her few interviews to a racist. What gives?
  11. I observe L Ron and KO to be kindred spirits. The level of TDS and rage posting seem to match.
  12. The iron law of woke projection is always batting 1.000
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