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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. By all accounts he's better than ever!
  2. How about we compare the Communist party USA platform from 1963 and see how its goals align with the regime of the past four years? Use the courts to weaken institutions by claiming civil rights violations? Check. Get control of schools. Use them as belts for socialism transmission. Hello critical theory, DEI. Check. Infiltrate the press. Reliable Pravda media. Check. Eliminate laws governing obscenity, calling them censorship. Hello "book burning" of pornographic books in grade school libraries. Check. Promote homosexuality, degenerate and promiscuity as normal, natural, healthy. This they've hit out of the park with the LGBTQIA+ culture. Check. Discredit the constitution by calling it inadequate, old fashioned, out of step with modern needs. Check. Discredit the American founding fathers. A lot of statues coming down lately? Check. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from police to social agencies. Hello Kamala defunder of police. Check. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative effects of parents. Hello state taking kids that want to trans away from parents. Check. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate parts of the American tradition. The 2020 summer of love and this week at the DNC are A-ok. J6? Nyet. Check. Seems the the Harris/Biden regime get an A plus for their commie platform alignment!
  3. Open borders. Trans cult. Blantant open lawfare against political opponent. Just to start.... Keep that head buried deep in the crevasse!
  4. It's all FRREEEEEEEE! More free stuff from your loving government masters.
  5. Nixon tried to impose a communist policy to alleviate a problem he largely didn't create, that ultimately had the completely predictable outcome. Crushing inflation. Not the case with Harris/Biden. At all. Nixon also didn't also have a litany of other communist policies and statements on his resume either.
  6. Fresh and new people and ideas. Inspiring!
  7. Crazy! How dare anyone even question that he might be a communist? Silly. Laughable.
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