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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. It's exactly what it says in the document header. From a book published in 1958 that was read into the congressional record. There's overwhelming evidence that Marxists pivoted to social / cultural issues decades ago to provoke the revolution because the economic class struggle approach would not work here as American workers simply had it too good. And as far as FDR is concerned? Alger Hiss.
  2. I was a Democratic voter (never a Democrat, never Woke). Reflecting on why and what changed, it's because 1) I didn't understand the relevant topics at all but thought I did better than most because I'm smart 2) I was surrounded by other such people who also voted Democrat 3) Fear-based propaganda 4) Anti-Republican propaganda that renders conservative positions "dirty" or low-status, like bad, dumb, and crazy 5) Complete inability to understand or recognize Marxism 6) Low interest in understanding politics, economics, etc., combined with a high interest in wanting to win arguments about politics, economics, etc. As these things changed, so did my voting, but I also had to give myself permission to make that change and feel like others supported them (low confidence, beta behavior). It's definitely a feeling of violating some profound taboo even to entertain a deeper thought, much less cast a vote or voice support. Leftism is a cult. If you leave it, you can absolutely feel it, both in how you're treated and how you feel. Upon reflection, it's undeniable, likely a universal experience among those who walk away.
  3. Ahh the trickle down theory of economics! Thomas Sowell is still alive so I'm certain that the prize money still awaits from decades ago if anyone can show him any economist / politician who put forth the trickle down theory. Massive straw man.
  4. All by design. Cultural Marxism. Wake. Up.
  5. I'm really reading your posts. Wait, you're a commie ***** stain. Not!
  6. In light of his recent Trump thread I've taken Quack off ignore to only highlight this all time classic.
  7. Quack, we can agree by all accounts, is a partisan hack moron.
  8. Communist China has already had its revolution. Oppressor vs. Oppressed was based on economic class. CCP has been in full control since that time. The oppressed vs. oppressor paradigm of economic class revolution was recognized as not being the route that would work in the west long ago. The American middle class was much too content for that to work here, therefore they went to CULTURAL Marxism and the long march through the institutions. DEI, race, climate, trans is how they've instigated the warfare here. Read their goals from 1963 and WAKE UP.
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