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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. ⬆️ Very cool. .... Nirvana/Pink Floyd mashup instrumental cover.
  2. Navarro may have fled Communism in Nicaragua, but she has surely joined Communism in America! Let me update her “knowledge” about Communism. Communism is not a person, Communism is a regime represented by a Party. Communists don’t attack press, Communists infiltrate and control press, e.g. The View🤡. Communists rig elections and then defend the stolen elections in the name of “Democracy” like Madura! Communists put Party first, above all individuals and definitely above the country. Communists have 0 tolerance for free speech and opposition. Haters and dissidents must be silenced and jailed! Communists lie, lie and lie because Communism is built on lies !!! Navarro is a Communist and so is her Party!!
  3. Edwin is a brown migrant. Edwin not allowed into DNC The DNC hates brown people.
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